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Some gift ideas that’ll make merry many an outdoorsmen

ONCE AGAIN the holiday season is upon us and it is incumbent on outdoor enthusiasts to lift not only the stock market, but also the spirits of family and friends with gifts to enrich the sporting experience.

Open your hearts and wallets. Start stimulating the economy with these recommendations.



Experienced local bowhunters tell me lighted arrow nocks are the way to go. Several products are on the market, among them Tracer Nocks from Easton (eastonarchery.com).

Magnetic trigger on the bow limb turns on the bright fluorescent orange or fluorescent green LED at the shot, enabling the archer to follow the arrow’s flight and better recover it. Beyond helping ascertain the shot placement, lost arrows with razor sharp broadheads can be dangerous. Practice nocks are included with each pack. They come in packs of two ($19) or four ($38).

Personal First Aid Kits

Some of the newest offerings in prepackaged kits come from Adventure Medical Kits (adventuremedical kits.com). The 3.9-ounce Pocket Survival Pak ($33) includes a rescue whistle, signal mirror, waterproof fire starting material, spark-generating lighter and compass. Also included is duct tape, lightweight wire, heavy duty nylon thread, scalpel blade, fishhooks, heavy sewing needle and more.

The S.O.L (Survive Outdoors Longer) 3 package adds a survival blanket, LED headlamp, heavy duty aluminum foil, cable ties, EMT shears, latex gloves, wound care items and medications for treating allergies and pain. Iodine drops for water purification are also included. About $50. Both kits have waterproof survival and first aid instructions.